Vegan lunch ideas and recipes for school
Vegan School Lunches Tips & Recipes
Quick Vegan School Lunches
Quick and Easy Vegan Meals Ideas
Vegan Recipe Sites
VegNews Vegan School Lunches
Back to School Tips: Packing Kid-Approved Vegan Lunches
Packing A Healthy Vegan Lunch For Your Child
Vegan Lunch Box Blog
Back to School: Vegetarian and Vegan Cookbooks
Pack a Lunch With Punch!
School (and Work!) Lunch Ideas
Top 6 Greener, Vegan School Lunches
School Lunch Recipes and Tips
How to Pack Vegetarian School Lunches
Raw Vegan Bento Box Salad Recipe
Raw Bento Blog
flickr Vegan Bento
Livejournal Vegan Bento
Vegan Lunch Box Vegan Bento
Vegan Bento Blog
JustBento: Vegan
Vegan School Lunch Snacks/Sides
Back to School with Vegan Style
Grocery & Gourmet Food › Back to School › Vegan
8 Healthy Office Snacks (use vegan: Parmesan for 4, bars for 8, ranch for 9)
Vegan Recipe of the Week: Apple Cinnamon Fruit Leather (Back to School Special)
Fruit Leather
Apple Cranberry Fruit Leather
Raw Raspberry Fruit Leather
Smoothie Roll-ups!
Stretch Island Fruit Leather (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free)
Fun Dip Recipes For School Lunches (veganize non vegan recipes)
Vegan Goldfish Crackers
Vegan Twinkies
Vegan Ho Hos, Oh Yeah!
Kind of like Vegan Cheez-Its
Rice Crispy Treats Recipe: "Just Dandy"
Veggie Rainbow Wraps
PETAKids Accidentally Vegan
Vegan Herb Crackers
Graham Crackers (and Dandies!)
VegWeb Cookies
Vegan HomeSchooling
VegSource HomeSchool Talk and Swap
Homeschooling and the Vegan Family
Homeschooling and Vegetarian Parallels
Not Back to School–Vegan Unschooling Style
Unschooled Vegan Children? Yes, They Can Exist!
Unschooling and Life as Classroom, Mailbox Finds, Summer Smoothie Recipe, Traffic Tips
Nonprofit/Activism Ideas:
Healthy School Lunches
Vegan School 101 RSS
Nonprofit Serves Free Vegan Lunches
Why the Nutrition Bill Matters. Dreams. Reflections.
For a college/university guide see: Vegan College/University Guide
Remember to check back here often for new post, I try to update at least once a month. Look at my past blog posts for vegan information, resources, and links. Please like Vegan Peace on Facebook and follow on Twitter and on Tumblr! E-mail me me if you have any suggestions for new posts, questions on this blog or veganism or questions regarding this post or know any more sites relating to this post. Even though I read/see each site, Vegan Peace Blog is not affiliated with any. Websites are also subject to change.
6 hours ago