Hello all readers,
I hope everyone has had great holiday's and New Years! Sorry that I have not posted in a little while. I mentioned in post dated on October, 2011, that Vegan Peace Blog would be going on a short hiatus. Even though, a lot is still going on, with computer problems. Vegan Peace Blog will do the best to start posting soon again.
Hopefully you have looked past postings on information and recipes on certain topics and holidays.
Vegan Peace Blog is currently working on the next two postings. Hopefully one will be out early February of 2012.
Thank you and have a great day!
Remember to check back here often for new post, I try to update at least once a month. Look at my past blog posts for vegan information, resources, recipes and links. Please like Vegan Peace on Facebook and follow on Twitter and on Tumblr! E-mail Vegan Peace Blog if you have any suggestions for new posts, questions on this blog or veganism, questions regarding this post or know any more sites relating to this post. Even though Vegan Peace Blog reads each site, Vegan Peace Blog is not affiliated with any. Websites are also subject to change.
4 hours ago